How customer-ready are we – and where should we focus as management?
Focus on the employees and managers that are to execute
Ambitious companies want to be the best when it comes to managing their customers. Focus is often on getting information from their customers on how loyal they are, where on the customer journey they experience friction and want improvements as well, as on how well your perfom compared to the main competition. Important information when you want to act focused as a market leader. BUT often there is a lack of understanding of the challenges and barriers in the internal management perspective, in order to really succeed.
Based on research – and practically applicable
Based on the Customer Index research, completed in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School and DI Danish Commerce, Customer Agency has developed the unique tool ‘Customer Readiness’ which is an internal analysis of how leveraged the company’s culture is for real customer focused performance.
The model is based on the change management model ADKAR*, but pragmatised and operationalised to be 100% customer focused and translated into a management terminology that is easy to understand:
- Understand: Does the organisation understand why customer centricity is important for the business?
- Want to: Is the organisation passionate about being customer centered – or are there other things they would rather pursue?
- Can: Are the compentencies sufficient, are systems in place, and are the internal processes designed to create value for the customers?
- Do: Is understanding, willingness, and ability translated into real behaviour that is valuable for the customers?
Effectful next steps
In recent years professional B2B companies have benefitted from the ‘Customer Readiness’ analysis’ score and benchmark to sharpen their management focus in order to be customer oriented in practice. E.g. in the manner and frequency of managerial communication about customer orientation, better interaction between commercial excellence and operational excellence mindset, about systems and what the management is focusing on when adressing the customers internally.
Learn more about the possibilities in the ’Customer Readiness’ analysis and benchmark your customer readiness against the best B2B companies.
* ’ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government and our Community by Jeffrey M. Hiatt
Want to know more?
Contact us to hear more about, how we can help you gain insigths and knowledge that will make you stand stronger compared to your competitors.
Peter Aakjær Jensen
Market Director
+45 27 87 78 34