

Future Sales


In collaboration with DI Trade (trade association of the Danish Industry), Business Denmark, and Copenhagen Business School, we have created Europe’s largest research project that has designed a systematic formula for B2B sales, and defined the key to growth via 7 sales virtues that distinguish the best from the rest.

Increase B2B sales by 3–4 times


For the first time, we have the results of a huge research project within the sales discipline.

The project Future Sales crystallises how companies with strong and weak sales practices perform.

Build your sales efficiency on 100% research


Future Sales has a solid base of pre-analysis consisting of the 800 most referenced sales-related articles plus mapping of sales practices of 1,008 respondents.

Research and practices are united via benchmarks from companies with strong sales practices. Based on what the best companies do, research has documented precisely what increases B2B sales, loyalty and bottom-line results.


Boosting Denmark as a B2B sales nation

Future Sales is Europe’s largest research project within sales. It was kickstarted in 2019 with the stated goal of lifting Denmark as a B2B sales nation.

Since then, Future Sales has catalysed customer surveys, customer analyses, customer insights – and self-insights – that are creating growth for an increasing number of large and medium-sized companies.

“Creating a common understanding and direction based on proven facts makes the whole team play better”

Steen Larsen
CEO of Landia

Customer surveys and customer insights


Customer surveys and customer insights are essential. For anyone representing a B2B company and working with Sales Excellence and Customer Centricity. And for researchers working to document customers’ experiences with sales practices.

Therefore, the research project Future Sales is based on surveys with input from test companies, key players, and the 800 most referenced articles on sales.

The analyses identified 7 challenges to previous sales practices.


The answers to 7 challenges are 7 virtues

Based on what the best do, Future Sales has defined 7 sales virtues – the focal points of a unique Sales Accelerator.

The researchers conducted a nationwide study in which:

1,008 respondents (Directors, Sales Directors and salespeople from small, medium and large B2B companies) answered 90 questions about their sales practices

10 companies contributed practical experience

In response to the 7 challenges, the researchers identified 7 sales virtues that distinguish the best from the rest, and define the new sales practices that increase B2B sales by 3-4 times.

The 7 Sales Virtues


Researchers have established a systematic B2B sales formula for how the best B2B companies stand out. They have stronger sales practices than their competitors, and researchers have taken an in-depth look at how the best companies specifically catalyse growth. The answer involved 7 equally important sales virtues.

Strengthen Customer Centricity

We are so customer-centric that all our customers can see and appreciate the difference between us and our greatest competitors.

Contribute company-wide

All functions in the organization have a good understanding of what they must contribute with to ensure that we successfully meet our growth targets.

Walk the Talk

Our Sales Managers are at the forefront in activating, enforcing, and developing the approach of the salespeople to selling.

Align organisational understanding

We have a common understanding of the value that the sales team must generate for our customers, and our training and education in sales is always designed with the clearest focus on value generation.

Clarify value

We clarify and get paid for the value we generate.

Synchronise strategy

Our sales resources are closely related to the company’s strategic goals, and the individual profiles and resources in the sales organisation are measured on their contributions towards these goals.

Capitalise on insights

We are better than our competitors in using internal data on customers and markets to support our customer-centric functions and create clear value for customers.

Sales Transformation is the name of the White Paper that is the central nerve of Future Sales

Guide to better sales practices

Download White Paper

It was a WOW experience when I was presented with The 7 Sales Virtues, and my belief that all employees – directly or indirectly – make a contribution to sales was confirmed by researchers.

Kurt Madsen
Director of Leasing Fyn

Diagnosing sales practices


With knowledge of the 7 virtues that characterise the B2B companies that perform better than most, Customer Agency has collaborated with researchers on developing the unique testing and diagnostic tool: SalesScoreCard.


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Monday to Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM


We work in the heart of Frederiksberg.

Rahbeks Allé 21, 1801 Frederiksberg C, Danmark