

Future Sales Challenge 2023

Winning case in the “Study”category

Associate Professor and Internship Coordinator Henrik Juhl Paulsen
from Cphbusiness together with the study group that won the prize of
DKK 10,000 for the best work with the 7 sales virtues.


B2B sales is now an attractive profession

Cphbusiness, Denmark’s largest business academy, is where Henrik Juhl Paulsen teaches the 2-year business academy programme.

The education includes an 8-month internship, which is a long internship compared to other educations. On top of that, the internship is paid.

“Students are paid during internships, and I see that first and foremost as support from companies wanting to invest in educating new sales talents based on Future Sales.

Of course, the students find the salary attractive, but I actually find it is not the factor that makes the young people’s eyes light up most,” says Henrik Juhl Paulsen.

Electives structured according to the 7 sales virtues

“We have built the elective subject B2B sales on Future Sales, the 7 sales virtues and the SalesScoreCard. It takes up a whole month’s syllabus, so it is clearly in focus.

Basically, it makes the students look at sales with completely fresh eyes. Research has given the word sales a different ring because sales has been defined as a recognised profession. Now it’s a craft you can be proud of, and at the same time, the tools are so wonderfully specific.”

SalesScoreCard scores high marks

“The students really like the SalesScoreCard. It is easy to relate to, it creates coherence between theory and practice, and it provides specific answers.

The fact that it is also based on research and data gives a ballast that makes the young people’s eyes shine. They are passionate about getting out there and making a difference by working strategically with sales across companies’ organisations.”

Practice-oriented teaching

“At a teaching institution, there must be a mix of theory and practice. The practice-oriented aspect speaks to Future Sales, while Customer Agency is specifically represented in our education.

Partly by acting as guest lecturers, which the students are quite amazed about. Partly by providing materials and data for education and exams. And not least by having created the Future Sales Challenge, which builds a bridge between the students and the business community.

Future Sales is a good framework for teaching B2B sales, and it gives students a whole new understanding of how to work strategically with sales across a company.”


Associate Professor Henrik Juhl Paulsen, Cphbusiness

“Strengthen cross-collaboration, involve the entire company in sales – and increase sales efficiency by 10–15%. With the same organisation and independent of industry, company size and market geography.”

Peter Aakjær Jensen
Market Director


Spend 7 minutes on the SalesScoreCard and get your sales diagnosis

Fill in the SalesScoreCard